Cyber Safe RelationshipsSeems we like to come here and “chat”
And talk (or type) saying just this or that
We could plan to meet; again, the next day
And let nothing; at all, stand in our way!
Funny, how we meet here like this.
We’ve not even held hands or shared one kiss
But hours we’ve shared in our own little world
Telling our dreams to each other; as our lives unfurl.
We might send a file or even two
Get a picture of me and I get one of you.
But who are you really; how can I be so sure?
You could be some psychotic using allure.
You could; actually, be anyone you choose
If you want to impress or thoroughly enthuse
You could say you’re a blonde but have black hair
Could say you’re from London, but live in Delaware
So if I get skittish, or if you get contrite,
I’ll just take my mouse and click you from sight!
So keep on typing, whatcha got to loose?
For if you’re only in Cyber Space you can’t be abused!
Don’t think you’ll ever know my actual name
Too scared of being caught in some nightmare game!
Have you heard the stories the news talks about?
Well, I’m playing it safe, beyond a shadow of doubt.Copyright©2001 Sydell R. Linsicombe