Just what’s the point of it all I
Can you make an hour last a day?
Ever smelled a flower before it bloomed?
Ever been to a party before you were
Have you eaten a meal before it was
Can’t say I have; wouldn’t be any
Been ticketed for speeding; going
too fast?
Slow down, take it easy, make your
life last!
Ease up on the pedal, put on the
Just slow it on down, For goodness
So why such a hurry, all of the time?
Working faster; will you earn one
more dime?
Ever see the morning before the sunshine?
Always out of bed before the clock
strikes nine?
Don’t be in a hurry, we’re all growing
Don’t leave a recital before the
story is told.
Slow down, take it easy, hear the
birds sing.
Try and take notice of what life
has to bring!
Copyright © 2001
Sydell R. Linsicombe